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After school in a sentence

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Sentence count:123+6Posted:2016-07-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: schoolin schoolat schoolafterafter allgo afterlook afterafterward
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61. I realised that I hadn't visited her for some weeks and agreed to go to her house after school.
62. It was unfair of the teacher to make us stay after school, but no one dared disobey.
63. The next rehearsal will be on Monday night after school.
64. He seems to make few friends and is content to stay at home after school and play Nintendo until bedtime.
65. She could wait to look for another job until after school started in the fall.
66. They congregate off campus before and after school and during lunch, hoping not to get busted by passing teachers and administrators.
67. Dan forgot that he was supposed to pick up the kids after school.
68. We both work harder after school, during summers, on weekends, than other kids we know.
69. The faculty at Thayer have decided to challenge the conventional ways of thinking about preparing students for the world after school.
70. He no longer works after school; the company for which he briefly worked went out of business.
71. Twice a week I collected my pupil from the bakery after school.
72. I remember this time after school there was a fight between blacks and whites.
73. I was always getting kept after school for something when I was a kid.
74. They all used to have a bath after school, and at the end of the year prizes were awarded.
75. Although he is the son of a Cork cattle dealer, he spent his first few years after school travelling the world.
76. After school she went to do her chores, but soon fell into her customary trance of curiosity.
77. She'd made him promise to visit her on Wednesday after school.
78. She started wondering whether permission might not be sought from the parents for her to give private tuition to Matilda after school.
79. A Kurator is similar to a specialist careers teacher with additional contributions to make after school.
80. The steering group is exploring the needs for after school care and is looking at possible locations for schemes.
81. He went home to his village to his parents and bride after school on Saturday afternoon.
82. He disciplined his students by keeping them after school.
83. Tom and Bob often pal around after school.
84. After school, he would hightail it home.
85. Please do not loiter in one street after school.
86. He'll have cut after school.
87. There, I was having an cream soda after school.
88. Did you have a softball game after school today?
88. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
89. I must go right home after school.
90. Don't loll about in the street after school.
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